Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's snowing...again?

It is snowing.
It is snowing. It is really snowing here. What the deuce? Did we not get enough snow last time around? What is wrong with the weather? Snow in December, then it all melts. 70 degree temperatures ensued. Then came the fog. Now snow again? What is wrong with the atmosphere?! Am I upset about the snow? Not really. It should be good for hoodoo, hence good for skiing! I just wish that the meteorologists would not go on lying so! Did you know that they predicted a warming trend? Go back to weather school or whatever! I'm not really upset about the weather. That's ridiculous. Just a little surprised that even after thousands of years of watching the skies, we can't tell what is going to happen next.

1 comment:

Sam Naydiuk said...

It snowed here again too...I wish it would stop. It snows and melts fast. What the deuce?